Hazelwell Weekly Contact 14th July 2024
8 Jul 2024 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Communion 14th July 2024 10.00am
led by Andy Harris, celebrated byRev’d. Matt Churchouse
Please Pray For
- Residents of Partons Road & Chirton Grove
- All those who have taken up new posts in parliament or government, both in Britain and elsewhere. Pray that they may govern with wisdom and integrity guided by the principles of what is in the best interests of all.
Parish Update
Summer Fair the latest total is a very commendable ÂŁ965.00 many thanks to all involved.
Book Launch
On Friday the 12th July, 7.30pm, Matt Churchouse is going to be launching his new book 'The Spiritual Soul', at Christ Church, Selly Park (B29 7PS). It's a 'bring-a-bottle' event; snacks and cakes will be provided. The evening will consist of an interactive introduction to the book - why he wrote it, some of its content, how best to read it - followed by a chance to buy it at an author-discounted rate. For a trailer of what the book's about, see Matt Churchouse, 'The Spiritual Soul' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4cZJ5boBSs, and if you'd like to come, Matt's asked if you could drop him an e-mail (on mattchurchouse2@yahoo.com) to give him an idea of numbers for catering purposes.
Our Church Warden
On Sunday afternoon (30th June), David and Matt attended the annual, official 'Admission of Wardens' on Sunday afternoon, at St. Francis Bournville.
Thanks are due to David for many years faithful service, as he continues in the role of Church Warden at Hazelwell Church.