Hazelwell Weekly Contact 28th July 2024
23 Jul 2024 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact 28th July 2024 10.00am
Hazelwell Morning Worship
led by Andy & Val Harris
Please pray for:-
- Residents of Hambury Drive, Pineapple Place, Hambury Court, Vicarage Court.
- Pray for Nuala & David
- Pray also for all those currently dependent on the support of carers in nursing homes, sheltered accommodation or their own homes
Parish Update
Date for your Diary 20th / 21st SeptemberWe are making plans for a joint Hazelwell / St Bede’s church (non-residential) weekend to be held at Lickey Church. More details to follow, so reserve the date in your diary
The Thursday morning meet-upis going to take a break for the summer he summer period as folk have various holidays and other commitments booked during the summer but meetings will start again in September.
Reflection on John 61-21
From James Lawrence Albermarle
Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted.
I guess you could call this “gospel economics.” With Jesus, there is always enough. Without Jesus, there is never enough. With Jesus, five loaves of bread and two fish is more than enough to feed five thousand. And, in fact, just to emphasize his point, Jesus made sure that there was actually more than enough. Twelve baskets of leftovers. We clearly worship a God of abundance, not scarcity. This is the miracle of the gospel. This is the joy at the heart of our faith. And it is the reason I am a pastor, and no longer an economist. To keep proclaiming, in many and various ways, that with Jesus there is always enough. Enough love. Enough hope. Enough grace. Enough faith. And enough time, talent, and treasure, too. Enough of all that matters, and all that our world hungers for.
So come to Jesus, wherever you are today, and be fed with the living bread from heaven, which alone can feed your hungry souls. And then go, in the name of Jesus, to feed the hungry of our world with the bread of life. Share what you have – your faith, hope, and love, and your time, talent, and treasure. And never doubt that with Jesus, what we have, and what we give, will always be more than enough. Thanks be to God. Amen